2022 3rd International Conference on Geology, Mapping and Remote Sensing (ICGMRS 2022)
Prof. Baomin Han

Prof. Baomin Han


Prof. Baomin Han

Shandong University of Technology, China

Baomin Han, Ph.D., Professor and Master’s Supervisor, is currently the Deputy Dean of the School of Civil Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Director of the Satellite Positioning and Spatial Information Research Center, serving as the Member of the Geodesy Committee of the Chinese Society of Surveying and Mapping, Member of the Geodetic Professional Committee of the Shandong Society of Surveying and Mapping, Member of International CPGPS Association, and Member of the Academic Committee of Shandong University of Technology. His main research directions include GNSS precision positioning and low-orbit satellite precision orbit determination. He won the ION GPS 2002 Best Paper Award at the 15th International Navigation Technology Conference held in the United States, and was fully funded to present papers at the conference. He is also the only person in Mainland China to present papers at the conference; he won the First Prize of the 2008 Shandong University of Technology Science and Technology for Progress, and the Third Prize for Outstanding Scientific Research Achievement (Natural Science) of Shandong Universities in 2008.

韩保民 教授


韩保民,博士,教授,硕士生导师,现任山东理工大学建筑工程学院副院长,卫星定位与空间信息研究中心主任,中国测绘学会大地测量委员会委员,山东测绘学会大地测量专业委员会委员,国际CPGPS协会会员,山东理工大学学术委员会成员。主要研究方向为GNSS精密定位、低轨卫星精密定轨。获在美国召开的第15界国际导航技术大会ION GPS 2002 年最佳论文奖,并获全额资助到大会宣读论文,同时也是中国大陆唯一到会宣读论文的人;获2008年山东理工大学科技进步一等奖;获2008年山东高校优秀科研成果奖(自然科学)三等奖。